
Events app
Real estate result page
Dating App concept
Landing Page for SalsaYum
Daily personnal journal app
Home page for City Lending
Facebook Page Cover
Facebook Spring Break Special


I'm UI/UX Designer for Web & Mobile . My goal is to create work that combines strong concepts with functional and solid executions. I provide creative, stylish and usable concept to take your business to a high level.

More works : https://www.behance.net/SalasDesign
Email : salihb at qq dot com
I'm available for a 1-to-1 project. Feel free to contact me :)

Member since: June 22, 2014
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"He’s so good 😊 "
Profile picturefieldingmelish69 reviewed about 6 years ago
"Amazing, he is the best designer I ever met! Gold for Salih! "
Anonymous client reviewed about 6 years ago
"Great work! The best"
Anonymous client reviewed about 6 years ago
"Salih B. Is fantastic as a designer. Very capable and very intelligent, He is willing to work until you are satisfied, which for me is very good because I can be very picky. He is the best bang for your buck on the website and is super super talented! Y..."
Anonymous client reviewed about 6 years ago
"Good designs, well laid out deliverables, and great communication."
Anonymous client reviewed almost 8 years ago