Logo design by RedLogo

Packaging & label contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

Filters applied
Showing 19’914 contests (Finished)
Showing 19’914 contests (Finished)
US$ 749
Silver package purchased for US$ 749
(including 99designs fees)
Women, 16-85 with a slight higher income level.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
194 designs
US$ 449
Bronze package purchased for US$ 449
(including 99designs fees)
Millennial and Generation Y Moms use it with their baby's.
Guaranteed Product packaging Retail
14 designs
US$ 749
Silver package purchased for US$ 749
(including 99designs fees)
Women 27-55, USA, average, and above-average income, that are familiarised with beauty salon procedures. They take care
Blind Fast-tracked Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
9 designs
US$ 299
Bronze package purchased for US$ 299
(including 99designs fees)
Women with highly textured hair - particularly Black and Afro Latina Women
Fast-tracked Product label Retail
25 designs
€ 269
Bronze package purchased for € 269
(including 99designs fees)
This will be on a retail bag of coffee- we intended to have more than one coffee- so this label can feature across the b
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
23 designs
€ 409
Bronze package purchased for € 409
(including 99designs fees)
Customer group: The consumer group is between 25 and 40 years and women and men are in comparison the same. The product
Guaranteed Product packaging Retail
67 designs
US$ 349
Custom package purchased for US$ 349
(including 99designs fees)
Adult men and women from 18-65. Targeted towards people who are interested in a more holistic alternative to supplement
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
89 designs
US$ 569
Bronze package purchased for US$ 569
(including 99designs fees)
This is to be used for by medical patients and recreational users for infused cooking.
Guaranteed Product packaging Retail
54 designs
US$ 449
Bronze package purchased for US$ 449
(including 99designs fees)
Our target demographic is 35-65 year old females (we also attract to males who are gifting trips to their wives), high
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Travel & Hotel
67 designs
US$ 299
Bronze package purchased for US$ 299
(including 99designs fees)
Wine drinkers who don't need a rating to know they are drinking great wine.
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
45 designs
US$ 449
Bronze package purchased for US$ 449
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Agriculture
47 designs
€ 464
Bronze package purchased for € 464
(including 99designs fees)
People who live fitness and want to be in shape everywhere
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Retail
56 designs
US$ 449
Bronze package purchased for US$ 449
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
97 designs
€ 409
Bronze package purchased for € 409
(including 99designs fees)
Bikers and water protesters and Homeworkers
Fast-tracked Product packaging Games & Recreational
11 designs
HK$ 6’499
Gold package purchased for HK$ 6’499
(including 99designs fees)
~60% high spending, demanding, appreciate quality, have espresso machine/brewing equipment at home, not necessarily need
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
86 designs
MX$ 22’799
Gold package purchased for MX$ 22’799
(including 99designs fees)
Our consumers are men and women, 18+ in Mexico who are environmentally conscious and want to show their identity with a
Gold Guaranteed Product packaging Retail
54 designs
US$ 749
Silver package purchased for US$ 749
(including 99designs fees)
This consumer product is designed for the health and minded consumer, its safe for young children to seniors with respir
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Medical & Pharmaceutical
33 designs
US$ 299
Bronze package purchased for US$ 299
(including 99designs fees)
Men as early as 22 up to around 40 years old. Primarily we are targeting young adults around the age of 26-30 that are r
Guaranteed Product label Cosmetics & Beauty
36 designs
£ 629
Gold package purchased for £ 629
(including 99designs fees)
ABC1 Balanced female/male appeal Aged 25-50 Worldwide appeal Social media users – particularly Instagram Consumers look
Gold Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
127 designs
US$ 299
Bronze package purchased for US$ 299
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Product label Restaurant
25 designs
US$ 299
Bronze package purchased for US$ 299
(including 99designs fees)
We are looking to expand our demo to appeal to anyone 21 and over. Our demo has trended towards older persons since we'v
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
64 designs
US$ 449
Bronze package purchased for US$ 449
(including 99designs fees)
Any golfer looking to improve their putting
Guaranteed Product packaging Sport
5 designs
£ 629
Gold package purchased for £ 629
(including 99designs fees)
- Aged 21-55 - Slightly more female than male audience - ABC1 - Social media users - particularly Instagram - Predominan
Gold Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
75 designs
US$ 449
Bronze package purchased for US$ 449
(including 99designs fees)
Young professionals or middle aged parents of a growing family who also happen to be pet owners. They are able to afford
Guaranteed Fast-tracked Product packaging Animal & Pet
16 designs
€ 409
Bronze package purchased for € 409
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone over the age of 18. We offer both expensive products and a cheaper sample bag to appeal to both financial categor
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
21 designs
US$ 299
Bronze package purchased for US$ 299
(including 99designs fees)
Young adults with a medium income level. We are located in the Atlanta, Georgia area.
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
75 designs
€ 734
Silver package purchased for € 734
(including 99designs fees)
Woman 22-25+, into sustainability, higher end perfect gift
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
62 designs
€ 269
Bronze package purchased for € 269
(including 99designs fees)
Fussballspieler, Hobbysportler
Product label Retail
6 designs
€ 449
Silver package purchased for € 449
(including 99designs fees)
the label must be colored with flashy slightly psychadelic colors but not too much you can go on any other inspiration
Guaranteed Blind Fast-tracked Product label
121 designs
€ 269
Bronze package purchased for € 269
(including 99designs fees)
open minded for food and premium drinks, willing to pay a premium for high quality food (pricing of "Glow" will be 9,90€
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
28 designs